You could follow us on Facebook/Instagram (Extra Mile School- Sierra Leone) and share/like our posts to spread the word about the work of the charity.
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online- from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising free donations for Extra-Mile Sierra Leone with Easyfundraising? There are over 4000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation - including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S - and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. All you need to do is:
Go to and join for free.
Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Extra-Mile Sierra Leone at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Extra-Mile Sierra Leone will be really grateful for your donations.
We are also registered with Recycle4Cash which accepts used printer cartridges and in return makes a donation to Extra Mile for each cartridge accepted - please use this link.
Extra Mile cultivates 4 and a half allotments in Rugby selling the produce to locals. This produces valuable income for the charity, all of which is spent educating poor and vulnerable children in Sierra Leone. Can you help our allotment volunteers in Rugby or could you set up your own allotment to support Extra Mile?
Looking productive.
Supporters of Extra Mile raise funds through running the Rugby Benn Hall Table top sales monthly and by joining local Rugby car boot sales. Volunteers are welcome to join these supporters or indeed join car boot sales and such like in their own area to raise funds for Extra Mile.
Many individuals, schools and organisations, such as Rotary and WI, help provide resources that our school and other local schools, desperately need. Text and exercise books, stationery, memory sticks, sports gear and uniforms, are some of the resources provided, which we then send by barrel to Sierra Leone. We thank all these generous individuals and organisations for their help. Could you provide some of these materials to help support education in Sierra Leone? Trustees are happy to give talks/assemblies on Extra Mile’s work in Sierra Leone.
A group of trustees and their friends started producing reusable sanitary kits for staff and students in Sierra Leone. They have been joined by groups around the country who initially came together to provide scrubs for the NHS during the Covid crisis. As that need reduced, they looked to continue their work and very kindly agreed to support Extra Mile’s work. We thank all of them for their considerable efforts. Could you help to provide sanitary kits to our students and staff? Templates to help production can be provided.
Extra Mile has a Board of trustees that meets regularly throughout the year. Members of the Board and other supporters are also organised to meet as four subcommittees: Leadership, Education, Buildings/Communication&Fundraising, and Finance. The Board is looking to increase the diversity of these groups and would love to hear from you if you think you can contribute relevant experience and skills.