Chloe’s 120 mph Skydive for Extra Mile
/Chloe Ennis, an 17 year old arts student from King Edward VI College, studying A Level Media, Art, Textiles and Photography, and Sandy Wright’s granddaughter, will be soaring from 12,000 feet at speeds of 120 mph in a 5 minute tandem skydive on her 18th. birthday in April 13. Chloe, the college’s ‘Most Outstanding Student’ (2010) has dedicated the jump to the work of Extra Mile to raise funds to help build a ‘free’ secondary school and library in Goderich, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Chloe has also become involved in a scheme to help endangered tigers, having two of her own smaller cat versions, Paws and Marmite, at home. She works part-time at ‘New Look’ to earn enough money to help her charity work. Thank you Chloe for your courage and your kind, thoughtfulness, our best wishes go with you.
Photo courtesy of MandaRose on flickr