/All the trustees and supporters of Extra Mile are delighted to hear the wonderful news that Mr Ibrahim Kpaka and his wife had a healthy baby daughter born recently. Mother and daughter are doing well. Mr Kpaka is the school’s Commercial Studies and Mathematics teacher.
Trustees noticed in photos that not all exam candidates attending revision classes had access to face masks. Funds have been sent so that all staff and students attending these sessions will be provided with face masks. This will support other measures taken such as social distancing, washing hands and smaller class groups.
Good use has been made of the time when schools have been closed to prepare for the next academic year. Included in this work are improved storage facilities in classrooms for text books and exercise books to help protect them from the elements when the weather is particularly inclement. Site manager Mohamed Conteh and helpers have been using suurplus wood from the re-roofing to make cupboards for all the classrooms.
Trustees rely heavily on donations at this time when other fundraising activities have been curtailed. If you wish to support the continuing work of Extra Mile please go to the Donate page on this website. We are all extremely grateful for all your support.