With some suggestions that the government of Sierra Leone will re-open schools for examination classes in a fortnight’s time, it is really important that Extra Mile students are provided with opportunities for revision and examination practice. Staff have continued the distribution of revision materials to students in Ober Funkia.


Many thanks to the members of the Extra Mile Education Group who have given of their time and expertise to prepare a second round of revision materials and tests for Extra Mile students. The students and their families are very appreciative of your efforts and the efforts of staff in delivering the materials to them.


Extra Mile school staff have been busy planning, both for any resumption of examination classes and for when the whole school resumes in the Autumn Term. One of their most important tasks has been to use the test results from the first two terms and any coursework assessment to determine who will progress to the next class in 2020-21 in the absence of any more internal examinations.


Trustees of Extra Mile have been meeting to discuss the school needs for 2020-21, including uniforms, text and exercise books, stationary and equipment for the new science laboratory and the timetable for sending them by barrels, given the disrupted shipping timetables. All of this is only possible by the generous donations of our supporters. At a time when our traditional fundraising activities have been curtailed, could you help Extra Mile continue its mission in Sierra Leone? If interested please go to the Donate page on this website. Keep safe and keep smiling.