Exam classes return to school today for intensive instruction prior to their taking of exams in a short while later this summer. Trustees and staff have put in place the necessary precautions to minimise the risk of infection as detailed by the Sierra Leonean government.

Students washing hand thoroughly before entering the school

Students washing hand thoroughly before entering the school

Extra Mile is very grateful for the generous support from the local health centre; providing a thermal thermometer and testing students if they are running a high temperature.

Students having their temperature taken after being provided with face masks

Students having their temperature taken after being provided with face masks

Trustees are extremely grateful for the hard work of the staff that has made the re-opening possible.

A staff meeting confirming return procedures, planning the timetable and the topics to be revised

A staff meeting confirming return procedures, planning the timetable and the topics to be revised

Ishmael Making sure appropriate resources are available

Ishmael Making sure appropriate resources are available

Clearing the outside area as unused since March

Clearing the outside area as unused since March

Extra Mile has not forgotten its partner schools in Goderich as they gear up for re-starting.

Muniru sharing revision papers written by UK members of the charity’s education group with Mrs Tina brown, Headteacher of Goderich Nursery and Preparatory school.

Muniru sharing revision papers written by UK members of the charity’s education group with Mrs Tina brown, Headteacher of Goderich Nursery and Preparatory school.