Our school re-opens for the new academic year next Monday. Too many children do not attend school in Sierra Leone. Their parents can’t afford to send them to school . They break stones for construction work, or collect firewood or sell goods on the streets or in the markets.
A local girl near our school breaking stones all day every day.
It costs Extra Mile approximately £1 a day to provide free education for its students. Can you help provide this education. £5 a week is the equivalent of two cups of coffee. If you can afford to give this amount on a regular basis or as a one off please go to our Donate page on this website.. Our students and the community of Goderich will be extremely grateful.. turn the stonebreakers into ambitious students who have a thirst for knowledge and an ambition to do well.
Head down and working hard.
The proof that your donations will be used well is in the outcomes for students. The latest 2020 results for our Express class students shows all 18 entered for the national NPSE examination achieving the national pass mark of 230, with a mean for the whole group of 272. We congratulate the students and the staff for all the hard work that has gone into achieving these excellent results.
16 of the 18 Express students arriving early for their NPSE exams. The other 2 made it on time.