Country Director, Mr Moses Conteh, and his wife, Marie, had the naming ceremony for their new baby daughter at the weekend. A joyous occasion. We welcome Anne Mosmarie Grace Conteh to the Extra Mile family and we all wish her a long, happy and healthy life.


Progress with the completion of the new toilets for female students and staff has been good with the Country Director reporting to the trustees that he is hopeful it will be completed within a fortnight. Well done to all involved.


The generous funding from The Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust to help establish a community library locally has prompted a great deal of interest and come to the attention of the Sierra Leonean Library Association. Following a site visit by the Chief Librarian the Association has agreed to support our efforts with training of staff and the provision of books provided by UKAid and Sierra Leone Book trust (SALBOT). We thank all who have been so proactive in establishing this link including Mr Wusu Kargbo and Mrs Catherine Freeman. We thank the Sierra Leonean Library Association for their interest and their generous support.

The Chief Librarian, Mr sallu turay,  and his staff on their site vist on the 13.01.21

The Chief Librarian, Mr sallu turay, and his staff on their site vist on the 13.01.21

The Receiving Committee, Mrs Catherine freeman, Mr Mohamed Tarawalie, Mr Wusu Kargbo, Mr John Lahai and Mr Ishmael Bockerie with some of the Books provided by the Sierra Leone Book trust

The Receiving Committee, Mrs Catherine freeman, Mr Mohamed Tarawalie, Mr Wusu Kargbo, Mr John Lahai and Mr Ishmael Bockerie with some of the Books provided by the Sierra Leone Book trust