/Extra Mile is extremely proud as to how we spend your donations and grants and the impact that our activities have on the community of Goderich in Sierra Leone. We work extremely hard to use the funds you donate to use wisely and effectively. 91.5% of the funding received was spent directly in Sierra Leone or in transporting resources to Sierra Leone in 2019-20. The community and our students are very grateful for all this support.
Only 0.7% of the spending was spent on charity administration. Remaining funds were spent on fundraising including statutory insurance for our activities. For every £1 spent on fundraising £11.56 was raised. Well done to all our fundraisers.
The impact of our expenditure of your contributions was considerable.
130 students received free education in our school in 2019-20.
42 students passed their National examinations and were promoted to the next phase of education.
Extra Mile continued to maintain and upgrade our school facilities, including starting the transformation of a classroom into a fully functioning science laboratory.
In 2019-20 we employed 21 adults in Sierra Leone, in an area where adult unemployment is high (82%). We also employed many local tradesmen including builders, plumbers, electricians and mechanics to help maintain and upgrade our building.
We provided support to the community, including funding and resources to the local health centre, which plays an important role in keeping our students and staff healthy, thereby removing one of the barriers to education.
Extra Mile trustees provided professional training to our own staff and to staff from 5 other local schools, helping those schools to improve the quality of their education.
Only your support makes our work possible. A £1 a month donation helps us to provide breakfast for 1 student for a year. £5 a month will help to pay the costs of our health care for staff and students at the local clinic for a month. A £50 donation enables Extra Mile to pay one of its full time workers for a month. Can you help Extra Mile continue its mission in Sierra Leone. Your donation will have a big impact in the community. Please turn to our donate page in this website. Thank you.