/A really good outcome. Naffinatu Conteh , a hard working, high performing student, has had great difficulty recently coming to school. This included a period when she was in the provinces. Thanks to the sterling work of Muniru Coomber, our Attendance and Welfare Officer, she has now returned to school to continue her studies. So good to see you back Naffinatu.
Over the weekend, Moses Conteh, our Country Director, and some of the Extra Mile students took action to improve the road down to the school, clearing it of the large stones and other obstacles which made it so difficult for vehicles to travel down to the school and to the local Medical Centre. A great job by everyone and much appreciated by the community.
The female toilets are almost finished, with just a little bit of work to be done this week before they are handed over to school students and staff. Many thanks to all who have made this project possible.