Having measured out the garden, now starts the hard work of preparing and tilling the soil.


Students and staff are already benefitting from the on-site library. Mr Felix Bangura, Science teacher, commented “ Great library to be in. Thank you all. Finding it so easy to do research. Very much useful. so relief in doing my work. Great day for me. Thank you Felix.


Meanwhile the opportunity was taken at Monday’s assembly to congratulate and present the certificates to our two successful competitors in the Inter-Secondary School Bible Quiz Competition. Well done to both Charles Labor and Hawa Sankoh,

Country Director, Mr Moses Conteh, presenting the certificate to Charles labor

Country Director, Mr Moses Conteh, presenting the certificate to Charles labor

Country Director, Mr Moses Conteh, presenting the certificate to Hawa Sankoh

Country Director, Mr Moses Conteh, presenting the certificate to Hawa Sankoh

Finally, hot off the press, trustees are delighted to report a successful bid to Didymus CIO for funding for textbooks for our ever-increasing Senior Secondary School. Well done to all involved in submitting the bid. Many thanks to Didymus CIO for their very generous donation.