/Extra Mile is extremely grateful for the generous donation of £227, from St Richards Catholic Primary School, Chichester, raised through pupils wearing Christmas jumpers to school today. A magnificant gesture which will make such a difference to our ability to provide support to the pupils in our school. Many thanks to all the pupils , staff and parents at St Richards and a very happy and healthy Christmas to you all..
All looking very festive in their Christmas jumpers.
The trustees of Extra Mile are also extremely grateful to Tim Seagers at 3 Crown Couriers. When our usual courier was unable to deliver the barrels from Rugby to Essex, Tim stepped in at very short notice to complete the delivery so that it met the loading schedule for the next ship to Sierra Leone. Pupils and staff will benefit greatly from the contents of the 3 barrels. Christmas came early. Thank you.
Our Country Director has been greening the school’s site since it was gifted by the community of Ober Funkia .All his effots are paying off with harvests of fruits such as coconuts, mango, plantain and pawpaw. Well done.