Extra Mile trustees had a very different type of meeting on Saturday 18th April. Owing to the UK government’s restrictions on non-essential travel, trustees used a video-conferencing facility to hold the meeting. This enabled trustees from the Isle of Man and Sierra Leone to participate fully in the meeting. Trustees coped well with the restriction of only one person speaking at a time and sharing new documentation for the meeting. The success of this technology will enable trustees to look at holding more meetings along these lines, thereby reducing our carbon footprint significantly. Trustees agreed strategies to continue to support students, staff and the whole community of Goderich whilst schools in Sierra Leone, like the UK, are closed, whilst taking decisions about steps to be taken when schools re-open. Trustees took decisions about the effective use of funds at a time when fund-raising activities in the UK are severely curtailed.

Trustees concentrating hard!

Trustees concentrating hard!

Although Extra Mile’s table top and car boot sales have fallen foul of the government’s restrictions, trustees and other supporters continue to develop innovative ways to continue to fundraise. The recent glorious weather has helped the charity’s allotments to thrive and trustee Jan is a little like Arkwright in operating all hours from her stall in her front garden. Many thanks to Jan and all who help her on the allotments for continuing this vital fund-raising activity.

Well done Jan.

Well done Jan.

The cycle of the school year continues. The end of the Spring Term 2020 saw the resignation of Serafina Williams. Serafina has done sterling work particularly with the Express class and in providing counselling support to students. We wish her well in her new role. The school has recruited Osman Sesay as a replacement to cover her duties. Trustees wish him a happy and successful career at the Extra Mile School. Mohamed, the site manager, and his team of helpers have used the Easter break and the Sierra Leonean government’s lockdown to complete work on the roof and in re-decorating all the ground floor classrooms. Lighting has been improved in these classrooms by the installation of fluorescent lighting. Trustees thank all those who have done so much to upgrade the fabric of the building and help to proof it against the impact of the rainy season. Students did not return to school today, the official start of the Summer Term. Staff are continuing to contact students and their parents, especially to encourage them to follow the radio lessons the government is providing.

The thoughts and prayers of all the trustees are with all in the community of Goderich and in Sierra Leone in general . They are also with all our supporters and followers in the UK and further afield. Keep safe and keep positive.