/Before the school closed down on government instructions last week a great deal of preparation and planning went into doing all that could be done to help the students, staff and their families during the lockdown. Staff planned work for the students so that they would return when the school re-opens up to speed.
Students and staff listened carefully to the guidance and instructions from a member of the medical staff from the local health centre on the precautions to take to avoid catching the virus. We pray that her carefully chosen words are adhered to by all.
Our builder and site manager have used the recent good weather to complete the re-roofing of the school building so that we are in a good place to meet the challenges of the next rainy season and are in a position to collect precious water to help tide us over the dry season.
The message is the same in Sierra Leone as in the UK. To keep safe, stay at home if you can. To all of our followers do keep safe.