A busy week sending resources to Sierra Leone in preparation for the new school year.

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Trustee Annemarie Feast loading up with resources provided by Paul Gallagher, Headteacher of Annecy Catholic Primary School in Seaford. We thank the Annecy school community for their continuing generous support for Extra Mile.

A trio of trustees handing over the resources at Tot Hill service station


Nearly ready. Barrels 124, 125, 126 packed by our masked trustees, Mike Fielding and Janet Gee-Russell, prior to being transferred to our shipping agents, Rokell, in Pitsea, Essex by trustee David Gelsthorpe-Hill. We thank Rokell for their very generous reduced transportation rates for our barrels and pallets to Sierra Leone.


Charity work extension. Extra Mile provided the school facilities for our Country Director, Moses Conteh, and members of his church congregation to prepare lunch and transport it to The Laaka Tuberculosis and Leprosy Hospital. All the patients and the junior staff present were really appreciative of the food and visit. An amazing example of co-operation.


All this while work on our new science laboratory progresses well and out BECE students continue their revision classes.

Constructing the new sink unit

Constructing the new sink unit


We thank all our supporters who are enabling Extra Mile to maintain its mission in Sierra Leone at this challenging time. We thank our staff in Sierra Leone who are maintaining the classes for our examination group at the height of the rainy season and all the challenges that that poses.


3 barrels arriving from the UK and being unloaded at the school in preparation for the new school year.

Two down, one to go.

Two down, one to go.

Stationary, uniforms, medical supplies etc - all ready to put away in the stores

Always exciting - unloading the barrels

Always exciting - unloading the barrels

Ishmael Bockerie. Extra Mile’s Logistics Manager, putting the supplies away in the refurbished store room.


Some of the supplies have already been put to good use. The students taken their BECE exams in a couple of weeks using the mathematical protractors, compasses as part of their maths revision classes.

All eager to use the new equipment

All eager to use the new equipment

Many thanks to all of our supporters who have donated so generously to make all this possible. We particularly thank the donor of the recent funds specifically for the maths equipment which the students needed for their BECE examinations.


The new science laboratory is progressing well thanks to the generous support of St James’ Place Foundation and various Rotary Clubs local to Rugby. The students are keen to give a helping hand to the installation of the equipment and resources cupboards.

Looking forward to carrying out experiments.

Looking forward to carrying out experiments.

Tony and Marie Doran of Pagham have been regular and generous supporters of Extra Mile. Their latest donations are of football kits and volleyball equipment. Many thanks from all at Extra Mile.


During this difficult time our thanks go to the fabulous charity team in Sierra Leone, who are instrumental in keeping the charity going in providing for the children of Goderich. Keep safe.

Moses Conteh, Country Director; Mary Tholley, Catering Manager; Ishmael Bockerie, Logistics Manager, Mohamed Conteh, Site Manager

Moses Conteh, Country Director; Mary Tholley, Catering Manager; Ishmael Bockerie, Logistics Manager, Mohamed Conteh, Site Manager


They have been waiting all year. Our 18 NPSE students taking their national exams with students from other local schools in Goderich.

All the revision pays off hopefully.

All the revision pays off hopefully.

Thanks to generous support from St James’ Place and Rotary Clubs around Rugby our new science laboratory is beginning to take shape in time to be ready for academic year 2020-21.. Few local secondary schools have science labs, so we hope these new facilities will help to inspire all our budding doctors, nurses, engineers, agrologists etc, all of whom are desperately needed in SierraLeone.


At this time of the year (the rainy season) schools are often closed for the summer holidays in Sierra Leone. Owing to the government’s requirements for examination classes to continue, staff asked Extra Mile if the charity could provide rain gear, not only to enable them to get to school in a fit state to teach but also to help staff who have continued to distribute materials to those students not required to be in school. See some of the school’s happy staff who have been issued with protective rain gear.


We thank St Richards’ Catholic Primary School in Chichester for keeping Extra Mile in their thoughts. Particular thanks to Marysia Dembinski, the school librarian, and James Field, Headteacher for the generous donation of reading and reference books, pens, pencils and other stationary useful for our school.


We thank all of our supporters, both individual and institutional, for their on-going assistance in all its shapes and sizes, which helps to sustain Extra Mile in its mission to poor and vulnerable children in Sierra Leone. Keep safe.


Monday 3rd August. 18 of our students take their NPSE examinations, after several weeks of intensive revision. They look understandably nervous before the exams. It has cost Extra Mile £262 per student this year to get these students into a position to complete their primary education and, all being well, to start on their secondary studies next year. We gratefully thank all our donors and supporters for making this potentially life changing scenario possible.


Some of the students were keen to do last minute revision, turning up the night before the examinations, complete with their school uniforms, ready to go!


Good progress is being made to getting our science laboratory ready for the next academic year. Moses, Ishmael and others are helping construct the classroom benches and storage cupboards. We thanks St James’ Place for their generous donations which will make this charity ambition a reality and a really exciting resources for all our budding scientists.



This post concentrates on the ways that the charity is reducing its carbon footprint whilst still fundraising. Sale of produce from the charity’s 4 and a half allotments help reduce food miles for local customers in Rugby. Many thanks to Jan. Mike, Ros, Linda and all the helpers who make this possible.


Trustees Mike and Jan receive unwanted metal and material items for selling on to companies that recycle them. This activity produces very useful income for Extra Mile

Mike’s Volvo loaded up with Metal Items Ready for recycling

Mike’s Volvo loaded up with Metal Items Ready for recycling

Many thanks to all of you who provided unwanted memory sticks. These are now on their way to Sierra Leone. If you still have memory sticks to donate we can still use them to help provide all our students with the ability to save their work .


Volunteers have been using spare material to create the sanitary kits for our female students and staff. Another batch was sent in the latest barrels to Siera Leone. Our grateful thanks to all the sewing volunteers for their time and expertise in providing these resources.

Extra-Mile- Towels-2020.jpg


The latest strategy to help raise funds and to encourage re-cycling is the recycling of printer ink cartridges. Recycle4Charity is a free, easy to use inkjet recycling programme. a simple way to help the environment whilst raising money for Extra Mile.

4 easy steps

  1. use the link below to go to Extra Mile’s page on the Recycle4Charity website.

  2. check that the used cartridges are on the list of acceptable makes/models

  3. rgiter your details to receive envelopes

  4. return your filled envelopes .

    Extra Mile will be very grateful for the resulting donation received from Recycle4Charity.


Trustees have been busy with a number of Zoom meetings planning for 2020-21. Using Zoom has significantly reduced the miles travelled by trustees to carry out their roles since lockdown started.


Our students in the Express class will be taking their National Primary School Examination this week. We send them all our best wishes and our hopes that they do themselves proud in these national tests and the gateway to their next stage of education

Extra-Mile-BECE- Mocks.jpg


Many thanks for your support for our campaign to provide our female students with reusable sanitary kits. The first batch went off this week to Sierra Leone. The ladies in Bolton have done us proud and provided more. We still need your donations to help us send them by barrel to Sierra Leone. If you can help please go to our donate page on this website. Many thanks.

Trustee Jan helping Director Mike load the barrels to transport to Essex.

Trustee Jan helping Director Mike load the barrels to transport to Essex.


The re-opening of the school for our exam classes has gone well despite the heavy rain. Attendance has been good and the students very appreciative.


Many thanks to Ishmael and his team for providing the lunches to students and staff every day. Students can’t learn well on an empty stomach.


Many thanks to all of you who responded to our request for unwanted memory sticks. The first tranche have been sent off in the barrels. We still need more if all students and staff are to have one so if you have some cluttering up drawers please send them to Extra Mile,PO Box 4884, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 9GL.

Many thanks.

Staff working hard Preparing and marking work

Staff working hard Preparing and marking work


Exam classes return to school today for intensive instruction prior to their taking of exams in a short while later this summer. Trustees and staff have put in place the necessary precautions to minimise the risk of infection as detailed by the Sierra Leonean government.

Students washing hand thoroughly before entering the school

Students washing hand thoroughly before entering the school

Extra Mile is very grateful for the generous support from the local health centre; providing a thermal thermometer and testing students if they are running a high temperature.

Students having their temperature taken after being provided with face masks

Students having their temperature taken after being provided with face masks

Trustees are extremely grateful for the hard work of the staff that has made the re-opening possible.

A staff meeting confirming return procedures, planning the timetable and the topics to be revised

A staff meeting confirming return procedures, planning the timetable and the topics to be revised

Ishmael Making sure appropriate resources are available

Ishmael Making sure appropriate resources are available

Clearing the outside area as unused since March

Clearing the outside area as unused since March

Extra Mile has not forgotten its partner schools in Goderich as they gear up for re-starting.

Muniru sharing revision papers written by UK members of the charity’s education group with Mrs Tina brown, Headteacher of Goderich Nursery and Preparatory school.

Muniru sharing revision papers written by UK members of the charity’s education group with Mrs Tina brown, Headteacher of Goderich Nursery and Preparatory school.


The time of the month can be difficult time for all girls in Sierra Leone. The lack of hygiene products and disposal facilities can lead to girls missing school for days every few weeks, which can directly impact on their education. A reusable (and environmentally friendly) sanitary kit made by our volunteers in the UK gives each of our girls the confidence to attend classes and achieve their potential.

Give our girls the confidence to attend classes by donating £10 towards the production of a reusable sanitary kit and help to give the girls greater privacy and sanitation by improving toilet facilities.

Thank you.

Some of the kits produced already

Some of the kits produced already

A full kit for one girl is illustrated in the photo below. Each kit consists of a waterproof bag, 2 towel holders and 4 towels. They are all washable and reusable. A group of ladies in the North Bolton area of the UK came together via “WhatsApp” during the Covid-19 crisis to produce much needed scrubs, masks and washing bags for local hospitals and care homes. As the need for these items diminished they wanted to continue their association because of the friendships and social benefits they had derived from it. So they turned their hands to making much needed reusable sanitary kits for the girls at the Extra mile School. They were able to use their skills for a real purpose and one with which they could empathise. Many of them have commented on how their feelings of helping others in times of need helped their own mental health whilst “locked down” at home.

Heidi commented “ It feels amazing to be part of something so small that it can make such a big difference”. Extra Mile in a nutshell.



All the trustees and supporters of Extra Mile are delighted to hear the wonderful news that Mr Ibrahim Kpaka and his wife had a healthy baby daughter born recently. Mother and daughter are doing well. Mr Kpaka is the school’s Commercial Studies and Mathematics teacher.


Trustees noticed in photos that not all exam candidates attending revision classes had access to face masks. Funds have been sent so that all staff and students attending these sessions will be provided with face masks. This will support other measures taken such as social distancing, washing hands and smaller class groups.


Good use has been made of the time when schools have been closed to prepare for the next academic year. Included in this work are improved storage facilities in classrooms for text books and exercise books to help protect them from the elements when the weather is particularly inclement. Site manager Mohamed Conteh and helpers have been using suurplus wood from the re-roofing to make cupboards for all the classrooms.

Finished article

Finished article

Trustees rely heavily on donations at this time when other fundraising activities have been curtailed. If you wish to support the continuing work of Extra Mile please go to the Donate page on this website. We are all extremely grateful for all your support.


The latest press release from the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Education indicates the scheduling of opening schools and the timings of public examinations. Staff at Extra Mile School have continued to support students so that they are as well prepared as possible.

Preparing blackboards for outdoor classes

Preparing blackboards for outdoor classes

Gatherings for examination students have been held outdoor, rain permitting, so that social distancing has been easier to maintain.

An outdoor gathering for our JS3 STUDENTS

An outdoor gathering for our JS3 STUDENTS

Meanwhile staff continue to distribute revision materials to students in the community.

Staff on their way through funkia market to deliver revision materials

Staff on their way through funkia market to deliver revision materials

Students and their parents are really appreciative of all our efforts to keep students studying.


Some students and parents are so keen that they have been turning up at school st all times of the day to receive their packages.

Emmanuel and his mother

Emmanuel and his mother

We thank all our supporters and donors whose generous contributions have enabled us to continue to provide education to our students in these challenging times. If you wish to help Extra Mile continue to provide for this community please go to the Donate page on this website. Your donations will be gratefully received and used in their entirety to provide for our students.


With some suggestions that the government of Sierra Leone will re-open schools for examination classes in a fortnight’s time, it is really important that Extra Mile students are provided with opportunities for revision and examination practice. Staff have continued the distribution of revision materials to students in Ober Funkia.


Many thanks to the members of the Extra Mile Education Group who have given of their time and expertise to prepare a second round of revision materials and tests for Extra Mile students. The students and their families are very appreciative of your efforts and the efforts of staff in delivering the materials to them.


Extra Mile school staff have been busy planning, both for any resumption of examination classes and for when the whole school resumes in the Autumn Term. One of their most important tasks has been to use the test results from the first two terms and any coursework assessment to determine who will progress to the next class in 2020-21 in the absence of any more internal examinations.


Trustees of Extra Mile have been meeting to discuss the school needs for 2020-21, including uniforms, text and exercise books, stationary and equipment for the new science laboratory and the timetable for sending them by barrels, given the disrupted shipping timetables. All of this is only possible by the generous donations of our supporters. At a time when our traditional fundraising activities have been curtailed, could you help Extra Mile continue its mission in Sierra Leone? If interested please go to the Donate page on this website. Keep safe and keep smiling.


The first tranche of work and tests has been distributed to students in Ober Funkia to help them keep up with their studies. Many thanks to Ishmael for printing all the documents,and to Moses, Muniru and Usman for distributing the documents. Many thanks to members of the Education Group who compiled the tests. Many thanks to all our donors and supporters for without your help the purchase of the PPE equipment and the printing of all the materials would not have been possible.

Ishmael in school busy printing all the material

Ishmael in school busy printing all the material

Usman with his newly purchased PPE equipment

Usman with his newly purchased PPE equipment

Moses and Usman distributing materials in Ober Funkia

Moses and Usman distributing materials in Ober Funkia

Muniru and Usman  distributing materials

Muniru and Usman distributing materials

Moses and Usman distributing material

Moses and Usman distributing material

We thank the many supporters who are making our continuing work in Sierra Leone possible at this difficult time. Without you these poor and vulnerable children and young adults would be denied an education which will improve their life chances. Keep safe and keep smiling.


Although the Extra Mile school is currently closed, obeying government regulations, school staff are still very proactive in supporting the students and their families and the Ober Funkia community in general. Staff held a staff meeting on the 7th May to finalise among other things the way that work to be done at home by the students will be provided to them. It was a very productive meeting with many staff volunteering to take part in the distribution of the work. The staff meeting was held in the open so that social distancing could be observed.


The area where the Extra Mile school is located is not served by mains water. The area also serves 4 other schools and a health centre, primarily for expectant mothers. Trustees at Extra Mile became aware that the whole area was suffering a water shortage, particularly the health centre , where husbands were being sent out to find water for their partners. Trustees of Extra Mile paid for a tanker of water to be provided to the local community, for which all, but particularly the midwives, were extremely grateful.

Mr Mohamed Tarawalie, Deputy Principal, supervising the delivery of water provided by Extra Mile.

Mr Mohamed Tarawalie, Deputy Principal, supervising the delivery of water provided by Extra Mile.

John Lahai, the school’s principal science teacher, took the opportunity of the staff meeting to re-inforce the message about strategies to adopt to help limit the spread of the virus. We thank John for his expertise and hope that his guidance will be followed and the impact of the virus is minimised, not only in Ober Funkia but in the whole of Sierra Leone.


We thank all those who have continued to donate to Extra Mile so that we can continue the mission to improve the life chances of young people and their families in Ober Funkia. Trustees hope that you think that we are using your funds to maximise the impact on the community.


Today, Sunday 3rd May, Sierra Leone enters into the first of three days of a total lockdown to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. By UK standards the number of confirmed cases and deaths from the virus are extremely low so hopefully the steps announced by the President will help to keep it that way. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the citizens of Sierra Leone but particularly to the community of Goderich including the staff, students and their families of our school in Ober Funkia.

Trustees on the Education Group of the Board of Trustees of Extra Mile are currently busy writing revision tests for all the subjects taken in The National Primary School Examination (NPSE) and the Basic Education Certificiate Examination (BECE) so that our students are well prepared for when schools re-open and the examinations are to be taken. Trustees are extremely grateful to the staff of the school who will be responsible for the physical distribution of the papers and answers.

Extra Mile continues to benefit from generous donations from our supporters for when school gets back to normal.. Tony, Marie and Matt Doran of Pagham, West Sussex have kindly donated a number of soccer shirts kits to our boys’ and girls’ football team. Our students and staff are passionate about the school’s football teams and will greatly appreciate the new strips.

I don’t know if they support the Hoops out in west Africa.

I don’t know if they support the Hoops out in west Africa.

The trustees, staff and students of Extra Mile thank all the supporters of the charity who are continuing to give generously so that the charity’s work can continue, even in these difficult time.

Keep safe and keep smiling.


Trustees took advantage of the opportunity of the cancellation of the London Marathon to raise funds through The 2.6 Challenge by undertaking strenuous physical projects. Trustee Annemarie Feast pledged to plank for 30 seconds every 30 minutes throughout the day, thereby totaling 26 minutes of planking. She finished just after 10pm, exhausted but very proud of her job well done. Our thanks to Annemarie and all the other trustees who took part and to all who made donations to help continue the work of Extra Mile.

The Final Plank

The Final Plank

Annemarie with her record of all her planks

Annemarie with her record of all her planks

Trustees have been working hard to establish a new management structure for the charity to take over once the Director, Mike Fielding, steps down from his role later in the year. 9 task groups have been established: leadership; finance; education; fundraising national; fundraising local to Rugby; publicity; volunteering;buildings and policies and procedures. Each group has a lead trustee who is aided by a group of other trustees and volunteers. The groups are busy beginning their meetings so that they are in a position to report back at the next Board of Trustees ‘ meeting on May 14th 2020.

The Education Ministry in Sierra Leone postponed the upcoming Primary and Junior Secondary examinations until July 2020. Even this looks a little optimistic. However it shows just how important the work of our teachers is in keeping the students on track with their studies, even though schools are currently closed. Extra Mile is continuing to pay its staff, which is greatly appreciated by all our staff in Sierra Leone. As our Country Manage, Moses Conteh, put it “ They all appreciate the incredible support of the Extra Mile team abroad in the UK and further afield.

Staff signing for their wages in Sierra Leone, keeping appropriate social distancing.

Staff signing for their wages in Sierra Leone, keeping appropriate social distancing.



Extra Mile trustees had a very different type of meeting on Saturday 18th April. Owing to the UK government’s restrictions on non-essential travel, trustees used a video-conferencing facility to hold the meeting. This enabled trustees from the Isle of Man and Sierra Leone to participate fully in the meeting. Trustees coped well with the restriction of only one person speaking at a time and sharing new documentation for the meeting. The success of this technology will enable trustees to look at holding more meetings along these lines, thereby reducing our carbon footprint significantly. Trustees agreed strategies to continue to support students, staff and the whole community of Goderich whilst schools in Sierra Leone, like the UK, are closed, whilst taking decisions about steps to be taken when schools re-open. Trustees took decisions about the effective use of funds at a time when fund-raising activities in the UK are severely curtailed.

Trustees concentrating hard!

Trustees concentrating hard!

Although Extra Mile’s table top and car boot sales have fallen foul of the government’s restrictions, trustees and other supporters continue to develop innovative ways to continue to fundraise. The recent glorious weather has helped the charity’s allotments to thrive and trustee Jan is a little like Arkwright in operating all hours from her stall in her front garden. Many thanks to Jan and all who help her on the allotments for continuing this vital fund-raising activity.

Well done Jan.

Well done Jan.

The cycle of the school year continues. The end of the Spring Term 2020 saw the resignation of Serafina Williams. Serafina has done sterling work particularly with the Express class and in providing counselling support to students. We wish her well in her new role. The school has recruited Osman Sesay as a replacement to cover her duties. Trustees wish him a happy and successful career at the Extra Mile School. Mohamed, the site manager, and his team of helpers have used the Easter break and the Sierra Leonean government’s lockdown to complete work on the roof and in re-decorating all the ground floor classrooms. Lighting has been improved in these classrooms by the installation of fluorescent lighting. Trustees thank all those who have done so much to upgrade the fabric of the building and help to proof it against the impact of the rainy season. Students did not return to school today, the official start of the Summer Term. Staff are continuing to contact students and their parents, especially to encourage them to follow the radio lessons the government is providing.

The thoughts and prayers of all the trustees are with all in the community of Goderich and in Sierra Leone in general . They are also with all our supporters and followers in the UK and further afield. Keep safe and keep positive.


Before the school closed down on government instructions last week a great deal of preparation and planning went into doing all that could be done to help the students, staff and their families during the lockdown. Staff planned work for the students so that they would return when the school re-opens up to speed.


Students and staff listened carefully to the guidance and instructions from a member of the medical staff from the local health centre on the precautions to take to avoid catching the virus. We pray that her carefully chosen words are adhered to by all.


 Our builder and site manager have used the recent good weather to complete the re-roofing of the school building so that we are in a good place to meet the challenges of the next rainy season and are in a position to collect precious water to help tide us over the dry season.


The message is the same in Sierra Leone as in the UK. To keep safe, stay at home if you can. To all of our followers do keep safe.

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Since the last update in March, much has happened in both the UK and in Sierra Leone. The first case of coronavirus has been publicised in Sierra Leone, the President has declared a 12 state of emergency and schools across the country have closed from the end of March.

Our thoughts and prayers got out to all who have been affected by the current pandemic. Trustees of Extra Mile are very conscious of the significant challenges to fulfilling our responsibilities to the staff and students and their families of our school in Goderich.

As a charity we are still operational and working from homes as advised by government guidelines. We can still be contacted via or on 07771 874128.

Our fundraising activities have been severely curtailed by the UK lock down on gatherings such as table top and car boot sales. Mike and Jan have continued to sell produce from the allotments in their street and this has brought in useful revenue. Trustees are extremely grateful to all the charity’s regular supporters and donors , whose invaluable contributions will help continue to pay staff salaries and other on-going running costs in Sierra Leone. If you would like to and are able to make an additional one-off donation or increase your regular donation, all at Extra Mile would be extremely grateful/ If any other individuals would like to help the charity with either a one-off or a regular contribution please go to our Donate section on this website.

Staff and students last week managed to complete the end of Spring Term examinations. The photo shows Prince Pat Cole, our Social Studies and English teacher invigilating one of the exams.


Trustees, Tim and Annemarie Feast, visited St Ursula’s Convent School , Greenwich, in March. St Ursula’s have supported Extra Mile for many years. Tim addressed an assembly of 120 Year 9 girls about the work of Extra Mile and how they might support it. Our thanks to Mrs Hamilton, Headteacher, and Mrs Durrant, Deputy Head, for their continuing support for Extra Mile.


At this time of difficulty for so many, please stay safe, stay positive and continue to think of and support those who are worse off than ourselves.